A pediatrician, family practice healthcare provider, physician's assistant, family nurse practitioner, or pediatric nurse practitioner can be your baby's primary care provider. The medical specialty dealing with children is called pediatrics.
Newborns need just some basic items at first. These include a warm and safe place to sleep, food, clothing, and diapers. Here's a helpful guide to the essentials.
Healthy babies born in a vaginal delivery are usually able to stay with the mother. In many cases, immediate newborn evaluations are performed right in the mother's room.
Because babies born by cesarean may have difficulty clearing some of the lung fluid and mucus, extra suctioning of the nose, mouth, and throat are often needed.
Each newborn baby is carefully checked at birth for signs of problems or complications.
A complete physical exam is an important part of newborn care. Each body system is carefully checked for signs of health and normal function.
Read on for helpful suggestions for activities and toys for your baby, according to their age.
Ever wonder why your baby flings his arms out sideways when startled? This reaction--called the Moro reflex--is one of many natural reflexes your newborn should exhibit. Read on to learn about common newborn reflexes and what they mean.
Circumcision is a surgery to remove the skin covering the end of the penis. This is called the foreskin. This surgery is most often done 1 or 2 days after a baby's birth. Read on to learn more about this procedure.
Bath time is a great time to bond with your newborn while keeping his or her skin healthy and cuddly soft. Get the fact - îand proper supplies - to make these moments safe and enjoyable for both you and baby.
As part of your preparation for your new baby, you probably got an infant safety seat for the car. But do you know how to make sure it’s installed correctly? And when do you switch to a child safety seat? Learn the ins and outs of safe car travel for your little one.
Your little one will need several immunization shots to help protect them from several childhood diseases, some of which can be deadly. Read on for helpful advice on which shots they need and when, and learn what to do if they have a minor reaction.
Your baby's activity level, appetite, and cries normally vary from day to day, and even hour to hour. But a distinct change in any of these areas may signal illness.
The color of a baby's skin can often help identify possible problems in another area of the body. Here are some skin color changes to be aware of.